Israel Cogshall

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Israel Cogshall [1]

a Methodist Episcopal minister, was born near Schenectady, N.Y., September 22, 1820. He was converted at the age of nineteen; soon afterwards received license to exhort; removed to Michigan, where he was licensed to preach, and, after spending some time teaching school and preaching, was admitted into the Michigan Conference in 1843. At the opening of the Rebellion, he was appointed chaplain of the 19th regiment of Michigan Volunteers; on his return from the army served two years as agent of Albion College, and then again entered the regular itinerant ranks, in which he remained faithful until his death, April 7, 1879. Mr. Cogshall was thoroughly devoted to all the interests of the Church. He was a man of decided opinions and strong convictions, kind, sympathetic, active, studious, and successful. See Minutes of Annual Conferences, 1879, page 65.
