Waterless Water Watering

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Waterless Water Watering [1]

'''A — 1: ὕδωρ (Strong'S #5204 — Noun Neuter — hudor — )

whence Eng. prefix, "hydro-," is used (a) of the natural element, frequently in the Gospels; in the plural especially in the Apocalypse; elsewhere, e.g.,  Hebrews 9:19;  James 3:12; in  1 John 5:6 , that Christ "came by water and blood," may refer either (1) to the elements that flowed from His side on the Cross after His Death, or, in view of the order of the words and the prepositions here used, (2) to His baptism in Jordan and His Death on the Cross. As to (1), the "water" would symbolize the moral and practical cleansing effected by the removal of defilement by our taking heed to the Word of God in heart, life and habit; cp.  Leviticus 14 , as to the cleansing of the leper. As to (2), Jesus the Son of God came on His mission by, or through, "water" and blood, namely, at His baptism, when He publicly entered upon His mission and was declared to be the Son of God by the witness of the Father, and at the Cross, when He publicly closed His witness; the Apostle's statement thus counteracts the doctrine of the Gnostics that the Divine Logos united Himself with the Man Jesus at His baptism, and left him at Gethsemane. On the contrary, He who was baptized and He who was crucified was the Son of God throughout in His combined Deity and humanity.

 John 3:5 1 Peter 1:23  Ephesians 5:26 John 3:5 John 7:38  John 4:10,14 1 John 5:8 Revelation 21:6 22:1,17 Revelation 17:1 2 Corinthians 11:26River.

'''B — 1: ποτίζω (Strong'S #4222 — Verb — potizo — pot-id'-zo )

"to give to drink," is used (a) naturally in  Luke 13:15 , "watering," with reference to animals; (b) figuratively, with reference to spiritual ministry to converts,  1 Corinthians 3:6-8 . See Drink , B, No. 3.

 1 Timothy 5:23DrinkDry
