Marvellous Marvel

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Marvellous Marvel [1]

'''A — 1: θαῦμα (Strong'S #2295 — Noun Neuter — thauma — thou'-mah )

"a wonder" (akin to theaomai, "to gaze in wonder"), is found in the most authentic mss. in  2 Corinthians 11:14 (some mss. have the adjective thaumastos: see C, below), "(no) marvel;" in   Revelation 17:6 , Rv , "wonder" (Av, "admiration"), said of John's astonishment at the vision of the woman described as Babylon the Great. In the Sept.,  Job 17:8;  18:20; in some mss., 20:8; 21:5. Cp. teras, "a wonder;" semeion, "a sign;" thambos, "wonder;" ekstasis, "amazement."

'''B — 1: θαυμάζω (Strong'S #2296 — Verb — thaumazo — thou-mad'-zo )

signifies "to wonder at, marvel" (akin to A); the following are Rv differences from the Av:  Luke 2:33 , "were marveling" for "marveled;"  Luke 8:25;  11:14 , "marveled" for "wondered;"  Luke 9:43 , "were marveling" for "wondered;"  2 Thessalonians 1:10 , "marveled at" for "admired" (of the person of Christ at the time of the shining forth of His Parousia, at the Second Advent). See Wonder.

 Matthew 9:8

'''B — 2: ἐΞ (Strong'S #1537 2296 — Preposition — ekthaumazo — ek, ex )

a strengthened form of No. 1 (ek, intensive), is found in the best mss. in  Mark 12:17 , Rv, "wondered greatly" (some mss. have No. 1).

'''C — 1: θαυμαστός (Strong'S #2298 — Adjective — thaumastos — thow-mas-tos' )

"marvellous" (akin to A and B), is said (a) of the Lord's doing in making the rejected Stone the Head of the corner,  Matthew 21:42;  Mark 12:11; (b) of the erstwhile blind man's astonishment that the Pharisees knew not from whence Christ had come, and yet He had given him sight,  John 9:30 , Rv, "the marvel," Av, "a marvellous thing;" (c) of the spiritual light into which believers are brought,  1 Peter 2:9; (d) of the vision of the seven angels having the seven last plagues,  Revelation 15:1; (e) of the works of God, 15:3.
