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Guileless [1]

1: ἄδολος (Strong'S #97 — Adjective — adolos — ad'-ol-os )

"without guile" (a, negative, and dolos, see Guile), "pure, unadulterated," is used metaphorically of the teaching of the Word of God,  1 Peter 2:2 , Rv. It is used in the papyri writings of seed, corn, wheat, oil, wine, etc.

2: ἄκακος (Strong'S #172 — Adjective — akakos — ak'-ak-os )

lit., "without evil" (a, negative, kakos, "evil"), signifies "simple, guileless,"  Romans 16:18 , "simple," of believers (perhaps = unsuspecting, or, rather, innocent, free from admixture of evil); in  Hebrews 7:26 , Rv, "guileless" (Av, "harmless"), the character of Christ (more lit., "free from evil"). Cp. Sept.,  Job 2:3;  8:20;  Proverbs 1:4;  14:15 . See Harmless.
