Amazement Amaze

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Amazement Amaze [1]

'''A — 1: ἔκστασις (Strong'S #1611 — Noun Feminine — ekstasis — ek'-stas-is )

is, lit., "a standing out" (ek, "out of," stasis, "a standing"). Eng. "ecstasy" is a transliteration. It is translated "amazement" in  Acts 3:10 . It was said of any displacement, and especially, with reference to the mind, of that alteration of the normal condition by which the person is thrown into a state of surprise or fear, or both; or again, in which a person is so transported out of his natural state that he falls into a trance,  Acts 10:10;  11:5;  22:17 . As to the other meaning, the Rv has "amazement" in  Mark 5:42;  Luke 5:26 , but "astonishment" in  Mark 16:8 . See Trance.

'''A — 2: θάμβος (Strong'S #2285 — Noun — thambos — tham'-bos )

"amazement, wonder," is probably connected with a root signifying "to render immovable;" it is frequently associated with terror as well as astonishment, as with the verb (No. 3, below) in  Acts 9:6 . It occurs in  Luke 4:36;  5:9;  Acts 3:10 . See Wonder.

 1 Peter 3:6

'''B — 1: ἐξίστημι (Strong'S #1839 — Verb — existemi — ex-is'-tay-mee )

akin to A, No. 1, lit. means "to stand out from." Like the noun, this is used with two distinct meanings: (a) in the sense of amazement, the word should be invariably rendered "amazed," as in the Rv, e.g., in the case of Simon Magus (for Av, "bewitched"),  Acts 8:9,11 . It is used, in the Passive Voice, of Simon himself in  Acts 8:13 , Rv, "he was amazed," for Av, "wondered." "Amaze" is preferable to "astonish" throughout; (b) in  Mark 3:21;  2 Corinthians 5:13 it is used with its other meaning of being beside oneself. See Beside Oneself (to be), Bewitch , Wonder.

'''B — 2: ἐκπλήσσω (Strong'S #1605 — Verb — ekplesso — ek-place'-so )

from ek, "out of," plesso, "to strike," lit., "to strike out," signifies "to be exceedingly struck in mind, to be astonished" (ek, intensive). The English "astonish" should be used for this verb, and "amaze" for existemi, as in the Rv; see  Matthew 19:25;  Luke 2:48;  9:43 .

'''B — 3: θαμβέω (Strong'S #2284 — Verb — thambeo — tham-beh'-o )

akin to A, No. 2, is used in  Mark 1:27;  10:24,32 (and   Acts 9:6 , Av). The Rv has "amazed" in each place; Av, "astonished," in  Mark 10:24 .

'''B — 4: ἐκθαμβέω (Strong'S #1568 — Verb — ekthambeo — ek-tham-beh'-o )

an intensive form of No. 3, is found in Mark's Gospel only; in  Mark 9:15 , "were greatly amazed;" in  Mark 14:33 , Av, "were sore amazed;" in  Mark 16:5 , Rv, "were amazed," Av, "were affrighted;" in  Mark 16:6 , Rv, "be not amazed," Av, "be not affrighted." See Affrighted.

'''C — 1: ἔκθαμβος (Strong'S #1569 — Adjective — ekthambos — ek'-tham-bos )

a strengthened form of A, No. 2, is found in  Acts 3:11 . The intensive force of the word is brought out by the rendering "greatly wondering". See Wonder.
