Tharshish Tarshish

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Tharshish Tarshish [1]

Place to which ships were sent from Palestine. It is supposed by some to refer to a Spanish city named Tartessus. This would appear a suitable place from whence to obtain silver, iron, tin, and lead. Jonah taking a ship at Joppa to sail to Tarshish may also indicate a place to the west of Palestine. But other passages refer to apes and peacocks, also being brought by ships of Tarshish, and these are associated with Ezion-geber, on the Gulf of Akaba, a branch of the Red Sea. It is therefore probable that the ships from this port would sail southward to some other place, which has not been identified.  1 Kings 10:22;  1 Kings 22:48;  2 Chronicles 9:21;  2 Chronicles 20:36,37;  Psalm 48:7;  Psalm 72:10;  Isaiah 2:16;  Isaiah 23:1-14;  Isaiah 60:9;  Isaiah 66:19;  Jeremiah 10:9;  Ezekiel 27:12,25;  Ezekiel 38:13;  Jonah 1:3;  Jonah 4:2 .
