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Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [1]

'''A — 1: ζηλωτής (Strong'S #2207 — Noun Masculine — zelotes — dzay-lo-tace' )

is used adjectivally, of "being zealous" (a) "of the Law,"  Acts 21:20; (b) "toward God," lit., "of God,"  Acts 22:3 , Rv, "for God;" (c) "of spiritual gifts,"  1 Corinthians 14:12 , i.e., for exercise of spiritual gifts (lit., "of spirits," but not to be interpreted literally); (d) "for (Av, 'of') the traditions of my fathers,"  Galatians 1:14 , of Paul's loyalty to Judaism before his conversion; (e) "of good works,"  Titus 2:14 .

 Acts 5:37 Luke 6:15 Acts 1:13 Matthew 10:4

'''B — 1: ζηλόω (Strong'S #2206 — Verb — zeloo — dzay-lo'-o )

"to be jealous," also signifies "to seek or desire eagerly;" in  Galatians 4:17 , Rv, "they zealously seek (you)," in the sense of taking a very warm interest in; so in  Galatians 4:18 , Passive Voice, "to be zealously sought" (Av, "to be zealously affected"), i.e., to be the object of warm interest on the part of others; some texts have this verb in  Revelation 3:19 (see No. 2). See Affect , Note, Covet , Desire , Envy , Jealous.

'''B — 2: ζηλόω (Strong'S #2206 — Verb — zeleuo — dzay-lo'-o )

a late and rare form of No. 1, is found in the best texts in  Revelation 3:19 , "be zealous."

 Galatians 2:10Diligent

Webster's Dictionary [2]

(1): ( a.) Filled with, or characterized by, zeal; warmly engaged, or ardent, in behalf of an object.

(2): ( a.) Filled with religious zeal.

King James Dictionary [3]

Zealous, a. Zelus. Warmly engaged or ardent in the pursuit of an object.

Being thus saved himself, he may be zealous in the salvation of souls.
