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Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [1]

1: ζητέω (Strong'S #2212 — Verb — zeteo — dzay-teh'-o )

"to seek, seek after," also signifies "to require, demand," "shall be required,"  Luke 12:48; in  1 Corinthians 4:2 , "it is required (in stewards)." See Desire , Note (2), Endeavor , Go , Note (2) (a), Seek.

2: ἐκζητέω (Strong'S #1567 — Verb — ekzeteo — ek-zay-teh'-o )

"to seek out" (ek, "out," and No. 1), also denotes "to demand, require,"  Luke 11:50,51 , of executing vengeance for the slaughter of the prophets (cp.  2 Samuel 4:11;  Ezekiel 3:18 ). See Seek.

3: ἀπαιτέω (Strong'S #523 — — apaiteo — ap-ah'ee-teh-o )

"to ask back, demand back" (apo, "from," or "back," aiteo, "to ask"), is translated "shall be required" in  Luke 12:20 , lit. "do they require," in the impersonal sense; elsewhere,  Luke 6:30 , "to ask again." It is used in the papyri frequently in the sense of "demanding, making demands."

4: πράσσω (Strong'S #4238 — Verb — prasso — pras'-so )

"to do, practice, perform," is used financially in the sense of "exacting" payment, in  Luke 19:23 . See Extort , A.

 Luke 23:23 1 Corinthians 1:22  Luke 23:24 1 Corinthians 7:36

King James Dictionary [2]

Requi'Re, L. requiro re and quaero, to seek. See Query.

1. To demand to ask, as of right and by authority. We require a person to do a thing, and we require a thing to be done.

Why then doth my lord require this thing?  1 Chronicles 21 .

2. To claim to render necessary as a duty or any thing indispensable as, the law of God requires strict obedience. 3. To ask as a favor to request.

I was ashamed to require of the king a band of soldiers and horsemen to help us against the enemy in the way.  Ezra 8 .

In this sense, the word is rarely used.

4. To call to account for.

I will require my flock at their hand.  Ezekiel 34 .

5. To make necessary to need to demand.

The king's business required haste.  1 Samuel 21 .

6. To avenge to take satisfaction for.  1 Samuel 20 .

Webster's Dictionary [3]

(1): ( v. t.) To demand or exact as indispensable; to need.

(2): ( v. t.) To ask as a favor; to request.

(3): ( v. t.) To demand; to insist upon having; to claim as by right and authority; to exact; as, to require the surrender of property.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [4]

rḗ - kwı̄r ´: "Require" meant originally "seek after," whence "ask," and so (as in modern English) "demand." All meanings are common in the King James Version (e.g.   1 Samuel 21:8;  Ecclesiastes 3:15;  Ezra 8:22;  1 Corinthians 4:2 ), and the Revised Version (British and American) has made little change.
