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Morrish Bible Dictionary [1]

This may perhaps be said to be the most perfect earthly shape of a plane (the 'cube' being perfection for a solid). See 'four' under Numbfrs. It was the shape of the brazen altar,  Exodus 27:1;  Exodus 38:1; the breastplate,  Exodus 28:16;  Exodus 39:9; and the altar of incense,  Exodus 30:2;  Exodus 37:25 . Apparently it was the shape of the 'panels' of the base of the molten sea in Solomon's temple,  1 Kings 7:31; also of the court of the future temple,  Ezekiel 40:47; the altar of the same,  Ezekiel 43:16; the portion of the land offered as a holy oblation,  Ezekiel 48:20; for the sanctuary,  Ezekiel 45:2; and for the city,  Ezekiel 48:16 .

Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [2]

1: τετράγωνος (Strong'S #5068 — Adjective — tetragonos — tet-rag'-on-nos )

"four-cornered" (from tetra, see above, and gonia, "a corner, or angle"), is found in  Revelation 21:16 .

King James Dictionary [3]

Foursquare, a. Having four sides and four angles equal quadrangular.

Webster's Dictionary [4]

(a.) Having four sides and four equal angles.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [5]

fōr´skwār ( רבע , rābha‛  ; τετράγωνος , tetrágōnos ): "Foursquare," meaning equal in length and breadth, not round, is the translation of rābha‛ (from obsolete rebha‛ , "four"); it occurs in the description of the altar of burnt offering ( Exodus 27:1;  Exodus 38:1 ); of the altar of incense ( Exodus 30:2;  Exodus 37:25 ); of the breastplate of the high priest ( Exodus 28:16;  Exodus 39:9 ); of the panels of the gravings upon the mouth of the brazen or molten sea in Solomon's temple ( 1 Kings 7:31 ); of the inner court of Ezekiel's temple ( Ezekiel 40:47 ); of "the holy oblation" of the city of Ezekiel's vision ( Ezekiel 48:20 , rebhı̄‛ı̄ , "fourth"); of the new Jerusalem of John's vision ( Revelation 21:16 , τετραγονος , tetragonos ), and conveys the idea of perfect symmetry. In the King James Version marginof  1 Kings 6:31 , we have "five-square," square being formerly used for equal-sided, as it still is in "Three-square file."
