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Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [1]

Kedesh-Naphtali (  Judges 4:6; called also ‘ Kedesh ’   Joshua 12:22;   Joshua 19:37 ,   Judges 4:9-11 ,   2 Kings 15:29; and ‘ Kedesh in Galilee ’ in   Joshua 20:7;   Joshua 21:32 ,   1 Chronicles 6:76 ). Evidently, from the name meaning ‘holy,’ a sacred site from ancient times; a city of refuge (  Joshua 20:7 ) and a Levitical city (  Joshua 21:32 ). It was the home of Barak (  Judges 4:6 ). It was captured by Tiglath-pileser (  2 Kings 15:29 ) in the reign of Pekah.

The site is the village of Kedes , one of the most picturesque spots in Galilee; to the E. of the village the ground is strewn with ancient remains. There are several fine sarcophagi and the ruins of a large building, possibly once a Roman temple.

E. W. G. Masterman.

Holman Bible Dictionary [2]

