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Smith's Bible Dictionary [1]

A'ser.  Luke 2:36;  Revelation 7:6. See Asher .

Holman Bible Dictionary [2]

 Luke 2:36 Revelation 7:6

Morrish Bible Dictionary [3]

See Asher.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [4]

ā´sẽr ( Ἀσήρ , Asḗr ): the King James Version: Greek form of Asher (thus the Revised Version (British and American)) (  Luke 2:36;  Revelation 7:6 ).

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [5]

(Ἀσήρ ), the Graecized form of Asher (See Asher) (q.v.), both the tribe

( Luke 2:36;  Revelation 7:6) and the city (Tobit i, 2).
