Ramoth Gilead

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Fausset's Bible Dictionary [1]

("Heights of Gilead.") A fortress commanding Argob and the Jair towns, occupied by Solomon's commissariat officer ( 1 Kings 4:13). Keenly fought for by the Israelites and their enemies the Syrians under Ahab and Joram (  1 Kings 22:4; it had been seized by Benhadad I from Omri; Josephus Ant. 8:15, section 3. Ahab fell in attempting to recover it) . Joram of Israel allied himself with Ahaziah of Judah ( 2 Chronicles 22:5-6), gained and kept Ramoth Gilead in spite of Hazael ( 2 Kings 9:14-15; Josephus Ant. 9:6; section 1). Jehu from it started to seize the kingdom.  2 Kings 8:28 or Ramath Mizpeh in  Joshua 13:26. The spot called by Jacob in his covenant with Laban, of which the pillar and stone heap was pledge, Galeed and Mizpah. (See Mizpah.) A city of refuge in Gad ( Deuteronomy 4:43;  Joshua 20:8;  Joshua 21:38). Now Es Salt , W. of Philadelphia, or else Jela'ad (Gilead) four miles N. of Es Salt, for Ramath Mizpeh is in the N. of Gad ( Joshua 13:26), which Es Salt is not. The Arabic of  Joshua 13:26 has Ramah el Jeresh or Ramah el Jerash (Gerasa).

Morrish Bible Dictionary [2]

Fortified city on the east of the Jordan and south of the Jabbok, in the tribe of Gad. It was one of Solomon's strongholds, but it afterwards fell into the hands of the Syrians. Ahab lost his life in trying to recover it. Joram was successful in taking it, but was wounded by the Syrians. We do not read of it later.  1 Kings 4:13;  1 Kings 22:4-29;  2 Kings 8:28;  2 Kings 9:1-14;  2 Chronicles 18:2-28;  2 Chronicles 22:5 . See Ramah No. 5 and Mizpah No. 1. It is called Ramoth In Gilead, a Levitical city and a city of refuge.  Deuteronomy 4:43;  Joshua 20:8;  Joshua 21:38;  1 Kings 22:3;  1 Chronicles 6:80 . Identified by some with es Salt, 32 16' N, 35 49' E .
