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Fausset's Bible Dictionary [1]

(bands) ( Deuteronomy 10:6), Moseroth ( Numbers 33:30;  Numbers 20:22-29). Near Mount Hor whereon Aaron died. The camp was pitched on the slopes or at the foot of the mountain. Moserah lay probably on the western side of the Arabah under the mountain bluff; now el Makrah .

Smith's Bible Dictionary [2]

Mo'serah. (bonds).  Deuteronomy 10:6. Apparently the same as Moseroth ,  Numbers 33:30, its plural form, the name of a place near Mount Hor.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [3]

mṓ - sē´ra , mō´sḗ - ra ( מוסרה , mōṣerāh , "bond"): Perhaps Moser with the " " of locale (direction), "to Moser"   Deuteronomy 10:6 . See Moseroth .

Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature [4]


Mose´rah, Moseroth a station of the Israelites near Mount Hor [[[Wandering].]]
