Mount Jearim

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Fausset's Bible Dictionary [1]

On the northern border of Judah ( Joshua 15:10). Chesalon (Kesla) was its shoulder, seven miles W. of Jerusalem, between wady Ghurab and w. Ismail. (See Chesalon.) Wady Ghurab separates from it Kirjath Jeerira, which is two miles and a half to the N J. means "forests"; it still has lonely dark woods.

Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [2]

Jearim, Mount . Mentioned only in   Joshua 15:10 , where it is identified with Chesalon (wh. see).

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [3]

jē´a - rim , jē̇ - ā´rim ( הר־יערים , har - ye‛ārı̄m ): A mountain by the side of which passed the border of Judah (  Joshua 15:10 ). It is mentioned here only, and is identical with Chesalon (which see).
