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Webster's Dictionary [1]

(1): ( n.) A device for keeping a wheel from turning.

(2): ( v. t.) To seize, as the sword arm of an antagonist, by turning the left arm around it, to disarm him.

(3): ( n.) A tuft of hair; a flock or small quantity of wool, hay, or other like substance; a tress or ringlet of hair.

(4): ( n.) That part or apparatus of a firearm by which the charge is exploded; as, a matchlock, flintlock, percussion lock, etc.

(5): ( n.) A place from which egress is prevented, as by a lock.

(6): ( n.) A grapple in wrestling.

(7): ( v. t.) To fasten with a lock, or as with a lock; to make fast; to prevent free movement of; as, to lock a door, a carriage wheel, a river, etc.

(8): ( v. t.) To prevent ingress or access to, or exit from, by fastening the lock or locks of; - often with up; as, to lock or lock up, a house, jail, room, trunk. etc.

(9): ( v. i.) To become fast, as by means of a lock or by interlacing; as, the door locks close.

(10): ( v. t.) To link together; to clasp closely; as, to lock arms.

(11): ( n.) A fastening together or interlacing; a closing of one thing upon another; a state of being fixed or immovable.

(12): ( n.) Anything that fastens; specifically, a fastening, as for a door, a lid, a trunk, a drawer, and the like, in which a bolt is moved by a key so as to hold or to release the thing fastened.

(13): ( v. t.) To fasten in or out, or to make secure by means of, or as with, locks; to confine, or to shut in or out - often with up; as, to lock one's self in a room; to lock up the prisoners; to lock up one's silver; to lock intruders out of the house; to lock money into a vault; to lock a child in one's arms; to lock a secret in one's breast.

(14): ( n.) The barrier or works which confine the water of a stream or canal.

(15): ( n.) An inclosure in a canal with gates at each end, used in raising or lowering boats as they pass from one level to another; - called also lift lock.

(16): ( v. t.) To furnish with locks; also, to raise or lower (a boat) in a lock.

King James Dictionary [2]

Lock, n. L. floccus, Eng. lock.

1. Lock, in its primary sense, is any thing that fastens but we now appropriate the word to an instrument composed of a spring, wards, and a bolt of iron or steel, used to fasten doors, chests and the like. The bolt is moved by a key. 2. The part of a musket or fowling-piece or other fire-arm, which contains the pan, trigger, &c. 3. The barrier or works of a canal, which confine the water, consisting of a dam, banks or walls, with two gates or pairs of gates, which may be opened or shut at pleasure. 4. A grapple in wrestling. 5. Any inclosure. 6. A tuft of hair a plexus of wool, hay or other like substance a flock a ringlet of hair.

A lock of hair will draw more than a cable rope.

Lock of water, is the measure equal to the contents of the chamber of the locks by which the consumption of water on a canal is estimated.

Holman Bible Dictionary [3]

 Numbers 6:5 Judges 16:19 Ezekiel 44:20 Song of Solomon 4:1 Song of Solomon 4:3 Song of Solomon 6:7 Isaiah 47:2  Nehemiah 3:3 3:6 3:13 3:15 Song of Solomon 5:5 Judges 3:23-24 Judges 3:25

Fausset's Bible Dictionary [4]

(See Key.) Usually a hollow wooden bolt passing through a groove into the socket in the doorpost. In the groove are small sliding pins which drop into holes in the bolt, so securing it. The key with its pins raises the sliding pins of the lock so that the bolt can be drawn back ( Judges 3:23;  Judges 3:25;  Song of Solomon 5:5;  Nehemiah 3:3).

Easton's Bible Dictionary [5]

 Isaiah 45:2 1 Kings 4:3 Judges 3:24Key

Lock of hair (  Judges 16:13,19;  Ezekiel 8:3;  Numbers 6:5 , etc.).

Smith's Bible Dictionary [6]

Lock. Where European locks have not been introduced, the locks of eastern houses are usually of wood, and consist of a partly hollow bolt, from fourteen inches to two feet long, for external doors or gates, or from seven to nine inches, for interior doors. The bolt passes through a groove in a piece attached to the door into a socket in the door-post.

Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [7]

Lock. See House, § 6.

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [8]

(נָעִל, naal', to bar up a door,  Judges 3:23-24; rendered "bolt,"  2 Samuel 13:17-18, "inclose," "shut up," in  Song of Solomon 4:12; hence מִנְעוּל, manul', the bolt or fastening of a door,  Nehemiah 3:3;  Nehemiah 3:6;  Nehemiah 3:13-15,  Song of Solomon 5:5). The doors of the ancient Hebrews were secured by bars of wood or iron, though the latter were almost entirely appropriated to the entrance of fortresses, prisons, and towns (comp.  Isaiah 45:2). Thus we find it mentioned in  1 Kings 4:13 as something remarkable concerning Bashan that "there were threescore great cities, having walls and brazen bars." These were almost the only locks known in early times, and they were furnished with a large and clumsy key, which was applied to the bar through an orifice on the outside, by means of which the bolt or bar was slipped forward as in modern locks ( Judges 3:24). There were smaller contrivances for inner doors, and probably projecting pieces by which to shove the bolt with the hand ( Song of Solomon 5:5). (See Key).

Lane thus describes a modern Egyptian lock: "Every door is furnished with a wooden lock, called dabbeh, the mechanism of which is shown by a sketch here inserted. No. 1 is a front view of the lock, with the bolt drawn back, Nos. 2, 3, and 4 are back views of the separate parts and the key. A number of small iron pins (four, five, or more) drop into corresponding holes in the sliding bolt as soon as the latter is pushed into the hole or staple of the door-post. The key also has small pins, made to correspond with the holes, into which they are introduced to open the lock, the former pins being thus pushed up, the bolt may be drawn back. The wooden lock of a street door commonly has a sliding bolt about fourteen inches long; those of the doors of apartments, cupboards, etc., are about seven, eight, or nine inches. The locks of the gates of quarters, public buildings, etc., are of the same kind, and mostly two feet in length, or more. It is not difficult to pick this kind of lock" (Mod. Egyptians, 1:25). Hence they were sometimes, as an additional security, covered with clay (q.v.), and on this a seal (q.v.) impressed (comp.  Job 28:14). (See Rauwollff, Trav. in Ray, 2:17; Russell, Aleppo, 1:22; Volney, Trav. 2:438; Chardin, Voy. 4:123; Wilkinson, Anc. Egypt., abridgment, 1:15, 16.) (See Door).

The other terms rendered "lock" in the Auth. Vers. refer to the hair of the head, etc.; they are the following: מִחְלָפוֹת, machlaphoth', braids or plaits, e.g. of the long hair of Samson ( Judges 16:13;  Judges 16:19); צַיצַית, tsitsith', the forelock of the head ( Ezekiel 8:3; also a "fringe" or tassel,  Numbers 15:38-39; comp.  Matthew 23:5); פֶּרִע, pe'rla, the locks of hair, as being shorn ( Numbers 6:5;  Ezekiel 44:20; and קְוצֻּוֹת, kevutstsoth', the forelocks or sidelocks of a man's or woman's hair ( Song of Solomon 5:2;  Song of Solomon 5:12; comp. Schultens, Op. min. page 246); but צִמָּה , tsammah', is a veil or female covering for the head and face, usual in the East ( Song of Solomon 4:1;  Song of Solomon 4:3;  Song of Solomon 6:7;  Isaiah 47:2). (See Hair).
