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Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [1]

Abda (‘servant,’ sc . of the Lord). 1. Father of Adoniram, master of Solomon’s forced levy (  1 Kings 4:6 ) 2. A Levite (  Nehemiah 11:17 ); called Obadiah in   1 Chronicles 9:16 .

Fausset's Bible Dictionary [2]

("a servant".) 1.  1 Kings 4:6.

2.  Nehemiah 11:17; the Obadiah of  1 Chronicles 9:16, "the principal to begin the thanksgiving in prayer."

Smith's Bible Dictionary [3]


1. Father of Adoniram.  1 Kings 4:6.

2. Son of Shammua,  Nehemiah 11:17 called Obadiah in  1 Chronicles 9:16.

Easton's Bible Dictionary [4]

  • The father of Adoniram, whom Solomon set over the tribute (1Kings 4:6); i.e., the forced labour (Rsv, "levy").
  • A Levite of the family of Jeduthun ( Nehemiah 11:17 ), also called Obadiah (1Chronicles 9:16).

Holman Bible Dictionary [5]

 1 Kings 4:6 2 Nehemiah 11:17 1 Chronicles 9:16

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [6]

(Heb. Abda', עְְבדָּא [a Chaldaizing form], the servant, i.e. of God), the name of two men.

1. (Sept. Ἀβδά .) The father of Adoniram, which latter was an officer under Solomon ( 1 Kings 4:6). B.C. ante 995.

2. (Sept. Ἀβδίας .) The son of Shammua and a Levite of the family of Jeduthun, resident in Jerusalem after the exile ( Nehemiah 11:17); elsewhere called Obadiah (See Obadiah) (q.v.), the son of Shemaiah ( 1 Chronicles 9:16).

Abdas, a Persian bishop during the reign of Yezdegird (or Isdegerdes), King of Persia, under whom the Christians enjoyed the free exercise of their religion. Abdas, filled with ill-directed zeal, destroyed (A.D. 414) one of the temples of the fire-worshippers; and being ordered by the monarch to rebuild the temple, refused to do so, although warned that, if he persisted, the Christian temples would be destroyed. Yezdegird put the bishop to death, and ordered the total destruction of all the Christian churches in his dominions; upon which followed a bitter persecution of the Christians, which lasted thirty years, and was the occasion of war between Persia and the Roman empire. In the Romish and Greek Churches he is commemorated as a saint on May 16. See Socrat. Ch. Hist. 7:18; Neander, Ch. Hist. 2:110; Theod. Hist. Eccl. v. 39; Butler, Lives of Saints, May 16.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [7]

ab´da עבדּא ‛abhdā  1 Kings 4:6A L Romans 11:17 Romans 9:16
