Alexis Caswell

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Alexis Caswell [1]

an eminent Baptist divine and teacher, was born at Tauntoni, Mass., Jan. 29, 1799. He graduated with the honors of his class from Brown University, in 1822, and was at once appointed tutor in what is now Columbian University in Washington, D.C., where he remained five years, teaching, and pursuing his theological Studies under the president of the institution. In the summer of 1827 he returned to New England, and in a short time received an invitation to preach for a Baptist Church newly formed in Halifax, N. S. He was ordained' there Oct. 7, 1827. His services were most acceptable, and were attended with marked success. In the summer of 1828 he again returned to New England, with the expectation of becoming the assistant of the Rev. Dr. Gano, the pastor of the First Baptist Church in Providence, R. I.; but was elected in October professor of mathematics and natural philosophy in Brown University. He entered immediately on the duties of his office, and was in full sympathy with the spirit and plans of Dr. Wayland, who had recently been called to the presidency. He taught not only the classes in his special department, but those of other departments until other professors should be appointed. In 1850 he took the department of astronomy, relinquishing that of natural philosophy. He remained in his office of professor thirty-five years, excepting one year, 1860-61, when he was absent in Europe. The next five years he passed in Providence, engaged in the benevolent institutions of the city, and occupied with literary work. Upon the resignation of Rev. Dr. Sears, Dr. Caswell was called to the presidency of Brown University; and held the office four years aid a half, resigning in 1872. He was elected a trustee of the university in 1873, and a fellow in 1875, which office he held until his death, at Providence, Jan. 8, 1877. Among the published writings of Dr. Caswell are the following: Phi Beta Kappa Oration (1835): — Four Lectures on Astronomy, delivered at the Smithsonian Institute (1858): Address before the American Association for the Promotion of Science, at Springfield, Mass. (1859): — a Memoir of the late Benjamin Silliman, read before the National Academy of Science in Washington (1866): — a Sermon on the Life and Christian Work of Francis Wayland (1867). See Lincoln, Alumni Address, June 19, 1877; The Providence Journal, June 20, 1877. (J. C. S.)
