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Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [1]

'''A — 1: παραλυτικός (Strong'S #3885 — Adjective — paralutikos — par-al-oo-tee-kos' )

"paralytic, sick of the palsy," is found in  Matthew 4:24 (Rv, "palsied"); 8:6; 9:2 (twice),6;   Mark 2:3,4,5,9,10; in some mss.  Luke 5:24 (see B).

'''B — 1: παραλύω (Strong'S #3886 — Verb — paraluo — par-al-oo'-o )

lit., "to loose from the side," hence, "to set free," is used in the Passive Voice of "being enfeebled by a paralytic stroke, palsied,"  Luke 5:18 , Rv, "palsied" (Av, "taken with a palsy");  Luke 5:24 (ditto), in the best mss.;   Acts 8:7 (ditto); 9:33, Rv, "he was palsied" (Av, "was sick of the palsy");   Hebrews 12:12 , Rv, "palsied (knees)," Av, "feeble." See Feeble.

Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament [2]

The more common word is ‘paralysis.’ Only two instances are reported in the  Acts 8:7 (many) and  Acts 9:33 (aeneas). The condition referred to is marked by loss of muscular control, caused by cerebral or spinal lesion, or by local disease or disorder of nerves and muscles. Whether the paralytics who were healed by Philip in Samaria were brought to him on beds, were visited by him, or were able to come to him with others who were suffering from bodily disturbance, we are not told. aeneas was for eight years bed-ridden, and thus appears to have been in a desperate plight. In the absence of competent and explicit medical testimony, it would be idle to conjecture whether any of these cases was organic rather than functional, or how large a part suggestion played in their cure. The healings by Philip brought to an end the practice of sorcery by Simon and led to his conversion; the healing of aeneas showed anew the power which resided in ‘the name of Jesus’ (cf.  Acts 3:6,  Acts 4:10). The recovery of all these paralytics followed the customary order of Nt cases: no sooner was the word spoken than the cures took place.

C. A. Beckwith.

Smith's Bible Dictionary [3]

Palsy. (contracted from paralysis). The loss of sensation, or the power of motion, or both, in any part of the body. The infirmities included under this name, in the New Testamen, t were various: -

1. The paralytic shock affecting the whole body, or apoplexy .

2. That affecting only one side.

3. Affecting the whole system below the neck.

4. Catalepsy, caused by the contraction of the muscles in the whole, or a part, of the body. This was very dangerous and often fatal. The part affected remains immovable, and diminishes in size and dries up. A hand thus affected was called "a withered hand."  Matthew 12:10-13.

5. Cramp. This was a most dreadful disease caused by the chills of the nights. The limbs remain immovably fixed in the same position as when seized as it, and the person seems like one suffering torture. It is frequently followed, in a few days, by death. Several paralytics were cured by Jesus .  Matthew 4:24;  Matthew 8:13 etc.

Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary [4]

A particular malady of body inducing a deadness in the part affected. We read, ( Mark 2:1-13) of an interesting cure the Lord Jesus wrought on a poor man labouring under this disease; and the complaint of this cripple in body gave occasion to our Lord to manifest thereby his sovereign and almighty power in healing the crippled state of the souls of his people. The palsy is one of the most striking emblems of the dead and helpless state of our fallen nature. Every sinner, until healed by Christ, is palsied in all his faculties; so that in all the instances of palsy we behold in the present day, we see living evidences before our eyes of the effects both of original and actual sin. The sinner is no more able in himself to give health and activity to his soul, than the man of palsy to rise up and use the limbs which are benumbed. Oh! that a sense of this most unquestionable truth were but fully incorporated in our nature, that the Lord Jesus, beholding the faith which he alone can give, might say to the paralytic in soul as to this sick of the palsy in body, "Son, be of good cheer, thy sins are forgiven thee."

People's Dictionary of the Bible [5]

Palsy.  Matthew 4:24;  Matthew 8:6;  Luke 6:6. The loss of sensation or power of motion in any part of the body. A hand thus affected was called "a withered hand."  Matthew 12:10-13. Several palsied or paralytic persons were cured by Jesus.  Matthew 4:24;  Matthew 8:13;  John 5:5-7.

American Tract Society Bible Dictionary [6]

Or paralysis, strikes sometimes one side or portion of the body, and sometimes the whole; affecting the power of motion, or the power of sensation, or both. It is one of the least curable of diseases; but the Savior healed it with a word,  Matthew 4:24;  12:10;  Mark 2:3-12 . The "withered hand,"  Mark 3:1 , was probably an effect of the palsy. There is also a palsy of the soul, which the Great Physician can heal, and he alone.

Morrish Bible Dictionary [7]

The Greek word, παραλύω, to loosen, shows that the disease was paralysis. Persons thus afflicted were brought to the Lord on beds or couches.  Matthew 9:2-6;  Mark 2:3-10;  Luke 5:18,24;  Acts 8:7;  Acts 9:33 . The paralysed were a type of that thorough human helplessness which can be relieved and raised up by God only.

King James Dictionary [8]

Pal'Sy, n. s as z. supposed to be contracted from Gr. relaxation to loosen or relax. The loss or defect of the power of voluntary muscular motion in the whole body, or in a particular part paralysis. When one side only of the body is affected, it is called hemiplegy. When the lower part of the body is paralytic, it is called paraplegy. Palsy may be a loss of the power of motion without a loss of sensation, or a loss of sensation without loss of motion, or a loss of both.

Easton's Bible Dictionary [9]

 Matthew 4:24 8:5-13 9:2-7 Mark 2:3-11 Luke 7:2-10 John 5:5-7 Acts 8:7 9:33,34

Holman Bible Dictionary [10]

 Matthew 4:24 Matthew 9:2 Luke 5:18 Acts 8:7 Matthew 9:6 Matthew 9:8

Webster's Dictionary [11]

(1): ( v. t.) To affect with palsy, or as with palsy; to deprive of action or energy; to paralyze.

(2): ( n.) Paralysis, complete or partial. See Paralysis.

Fausset's Bible Dictionary [12]

Paralysis affecting part of the body. The "grievously tormented" ( Matthew 8:6) refers to the convulsions, foamings, and heavy breathings of the sufferer, giving the appearance of torment, whether himself conscious of pain or not.

Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types [13]

 Mark 2:3 (a) This physical ailment may be used to describe the spiritual condition in which sin paralyzes the life and the activities of a person, and renders him helpless in the things of God.

Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [14]

Palsy. The modern form of this word is ‘paralysis.’ See Medicine, p. 599a.

Watson's Biblical & Theological Dictionary [15]

See Diseases .

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [16]

(Gr. παράλυσις, which, however, only occurs in the New Testament in the adjective form παραλυτικός, etc., one smitten with palsy ) is properly a disorder which deprives the limbs of sensation or motion, or both; and it is usually attended with imbecility of mind — nor is this to be wondered at, since its immediate cause is a compression on the brain. The palsy of the New Testament is a disease of very wide import. Many infirmities seem to have been comprehended under it.

1. The Apoplexy , a paralytic shock which affected the whole body.

2. The Hemiplegy , which affects and paralyzes only one side of the body.

3. The Paraplegy , which paralyzes all the parts of the system below the neck.

4. The Catalepsy is caused by a contraction of the muscles in the whole or part of the body (e.g. in the hands), and is very dangerous.

The effects upon the parts seized are very violent and deadly. For instance, when a person is struck with it, if his hand happens to be extended, he is unable to draw it back. If the hand is not extended when he is struck with the disease, he is unable to extend it. It appears diminished in size and dried up. Hence the Hebrews were in the habit of calling it a, withered hand ( 1 Kings 13:4;  1 Kings 13:6;  Zechariah 11:17;  Matthew 12:10-13;  John 5:3).

5. The Cramp. This, in Oriental countries, is a fearful malady, and by no means unfrequent. It is caused by the chills of the night. The limbs, when seized with it, remain immovable; sometimes turned in, and sometimes out, in the same position as when they were first seized. The person afflicted resembles a man undergoing the torture, and experiences nearly the same exquisite sufferings ( Matthew 8:6;  Luke 7:2). Our Savior is recorded to have miraculously cured several paralytics ( Matthew 4:24;  Matthew 8:13;  Matthew 9:2;  Matthew 9:6;  Mark 2:3-4;  Luke 5:18;  John 5:5). (See Paralytic).
