Caprasius Presbyter At Lerins

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Caprasius Presbyter At Lerins [1]

Caprasius (2), St., presbyter at Lérins (l’Isle de St. Honorat). Having a great desire to become a hermit, he distributed his goods to the poor and with St. Honoratus ultimately fixed on the isle of Lérins, described as a frightful desert where nothing was to be seen but serpents and other venomous creatures. There Honoratus built a monastery, into which he received many monks from the neighbouring countries. It was under the discipline of Caprasius and Honoratus, who are said to have made it the home of saints. Hilarius describes their new monastery as being distinguished for chastity, faith, wisdom, justice, truth. They also built in the island a church, of which Honoratus became minister. Caprasius died c. 430, and is commemorated on June 1. ( Acta Sanctorum , Jun. 1, p. 77; Hilar. Arelat. de Vita S. Honorati , cap. ii. Patr. Lat. l. p. 1255; Eutherius Lugd. de Laud. Eremi , 42, Patr. Lat. 1. p. 711; Sidonius Apoll. Carm. § 384, Patr. Lat. lviii. p. 721; Ceillier, Hist. des Auteurs Sacrés et Ecclés. t. viii. p. 439.)

