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Morrish Bible Dictionary [1]

1. Son of Mahli the grandson of Merari. 1 Chronicles 6:46 .

2. Son of Heber of the tribe of Asher. 1 Chronicles 7:34 . Called SHOMER in 1 Chronicles 7:32 .

Smith's Bible Dictionary [2]

Sha'mer. (keeper).

1. A Merarite Levite. 1 Chronicles 6:46.

2. Shomer, an Asherite. 1 Chronicles 7:34.

Fausset's Bible Dictionary [3]

1. 1 Chronicles 6:46.

2. 1 Chronicles 7:34.

Holman Bible Dictionary [4]

1 Chronicles 6:461 Chronicles 7:34

Webster's Dictionary [5]

(n.) One who, or that which, disgraces, or makes ashamed.

King James Dictionary [6]

SHA'MER, n. One who makes ashamed that which confounds.

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [7]

(Heb. She'mer, שֶׁמֶר, "in pause" Sha'mer, שָׁמֶר, keeper; Sept. Σεμμήρ v.r. Σωμήρ and Σεμήρ respectively), the name of several men. (See Shamed); (See Shemer).

1. The second named of four children of Heber (1 Chronicles 7:32), and father of Ahi and others (1 Chronicles 7:34). B.C. perhaps ante 1658. In the first of these passages he is called SHOMER (See Shomer) (q.v.).

2. The son of Mahli and father of Bani, of the tribe of Levi (1 Chronicles 6:46). B.C. perhaps cir. 1658.
