George Rees

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Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [1]

a Welsh Congregational minister, was born near Brynberian, Pembrokeshire, in 1797, of eminently pious parents. He joined the Church in 1813, and soon began preaching. He received his ministerial education at the Carmarthen Presbyterian College, and, on completing his course, taught and preached for some time in the English portion of Pembrokeshire. Thence he removed to Fishguard. where, with great efficiency, he conducted a grammar-school forty-three years. In 1835 he was ordained pastor at Gideon. His last five years were spent in confinement from paralysis. He died August 31, 1870. Dr. Rees was a thorough Hebrew and Greek scholar. His character was most exemplary. See (Lond.) Cong. Year-book, 1871, page 338.
