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Easton's Bible Dictionary [1]

1 Chronicles 12:3

Fausset's Bible Dictionary [2]

1 Chronicles 12:1-3.

Holman Bible Dictionary [3]

1 Chronicles 12:3

Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [4]

JEZIEL . A Benjamite ( 1 Chronicles 12:3 ).

Morrish Bible Dictionary [5]

A Benjamite who resorted to David at Ziklag. 1 Chronicles 12:3 .

Smith's Bible Dictionary [6]

Je'zi-el. (the assembly of God). A Benjamite, who joined David at Ziklag. 1 Chronicles 12:3. (B.C. 1055).

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [7]

jē´zi - el , jḗ - zı̄´el ( Kethı̄bh is יזוּאל , yezū'ēl , or יזואל , yezō'ēl  ; Ḳerē יזיאל , yezı̄‛e'l = "God gathers," perhaps): One of David's Benjamite recruits at Ziklag ( 1 Chronicles 12:3 ).

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [8]

[some Jezi'ë l] (Heb. Yeziul', יְזַיַאֵל, as in the margin, assembled by God; Sept. Ἀζιήλ v.r. Ι᾿ωήλ, etc.; Vulg. Jaziel), a. "son" of Azmaveth, who, with his brother, was one of the Benjamite archers that reinforced David at Ziklag (1 Chronicles 12:3). B.C. 1055.
