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Easton's Bible Dictionary [1]

1 Chronicles 3:62 Samuel 5:15

Fausset's Bible Dictionary [2]

David's next son after Solomon (2 Samuel 5:15; 1 Chronicles 3:6; 1 Chronicles 14:5); born in Jerusalem.

Holman Bible Dictionary [3]

2 Samuel 5:15

Hitchcock's Bible Names [4]

Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [5]

IBHAR . One of David’s sons, born at Jerusalem ( 2 Samuel 5:15 , 1 Chronicles 3:6; 1 Chronicles 14:5 ).

Morrish Bible Dictionary [6]

Son of David, born at Jerusalem. 2 Samuel 5:15 : 1 Chronicles 3:6; 1 Chronicles 14:5 .

Smith's Bible Dictionary [7]

Ib'har. (whom God chooses). One of the sons of David, 2 Samuel 5:15; 1 Chronicles 3:6; 1 Chronicles 14:6, (born in Jerusalem. B.C. after 1044).

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [8]

ib´har יבחר yibhḥār Ἐβεάρ Ebeár Βαάρ Baár Ἰεβαάρ Iebaár 1 Chronicles 3:62 Samuel 5:15Peshiṭṭa'

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [9]

(Heb. Yibcha-r', יַבְחָר , chosenz; Sept. Ι᾿βεάρ, Ι᾿εβαὰρ [cod.Vat. Ε᾿βεάρ, Εβααρ ]; Josephus Ι᾿εβάρ, Ant. 7, 3, 3), one of the sons of David (by a secondary wife, 1 Chronicles 3:9) born to him in Jerusalem, mentioned next after Solomon and before Elishua (2 Samuel 5:15; 1 Chronicles 3:6; 1 Chronicles 14:5). B.C. post 1044. (See David).
