Jean Brumauld De Beauregard

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Jean Brumauld De Beauregard [1]

a French prelate, was born at Poictiers, December 1, 1749. He was at first canon and grand-vicar of the diocese of Luconia. At the time of the revolution he went to England and interested himself in the success of the war of La Vendee. Having been arrested at various times, he at length returned to France and became rector of the cathedral of Poictiers in 1803, then. bishop of Montauban at the second restoration. In 1839 he was appointed canon of St. Denis. He died November 26, 1841. He wrote, Dissertation sur le Lieu ou s'est donnee la Bataille de Vauclade, etc., ohu Clovis defit Alaric II, extracts of which are inserted in the Memoires de la Societe des Antiquaires de l ‘ Ouest: — Notes sur les Eveques du Lupon, from Preve of Vodrie down to Borellon. See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v.
