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King James Dictionary [1]

CONSOLE, L. The primary sense is either to set or allay, to give rest or quiet, or the sense is to strengthen, in which case it coincides with the root of solid. The latter is most probable. To comfort to cheer the mind in distress or depression to alleviate grief, and give refreshment to the mind or spirits to give contentment or moderate happiness by relieving from distress.

The promises of the gospel may well console the Christian in all the afflictions of life.

It is a consoling reflection that the evils of life are temporary.

I am much consoled by the reflection that the religion of Christ has been attacked in vain by all the wits and philosophers, and its triumph has been complete.

Webster's Dictionary [2]


(v. t.) To cheer in distress or depression; to alleviate the grief and raise the spirits of; to relieve; to comfort; to soothe.


(n.) Any small bracket; also, a console table.


(n.) A bracket whose projection is not more than half its height.

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [3]

(Lat. consolida), a bracket to support cornices, figures, busts, etc.
