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== Holman Bible Dictionary == Ezra 2:51Nehemiah 7:53 == Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible ==

BAKBUK . The ancestor of certain Nethinim who returned with Zerubbabel ( Ezra 2:51 , Nehemiah 7:53 ); called Acub in 1Es 5:31 .

== Morrish Bible Dictionary ==

Ancestor of some Nethinim who returned from exile. Ezra 2:51; Nehemiah 7:53 .

== Smith's Bible Dictionary ==

Bak'buk. (bottle). "Children of Bakkuk" were among the Nethinim who returned from captivity with Zerubbabel. Ezra 2:51; Nehemiah 7:53. (B.C. before 536).

== International Standard Bible Encyclopedia ==

bak´buk בּקבּוּק , baḳbūḳ , "bottle" perhaps onomatopoetical, referring to the clucking noise created by the pouring out of the contents of a bottle = Acub , 1 Esdras 5:31): The descendants of Bakbuk returned with Zerubbabel to Jerusalem (Ezra 2:51; Nehemiah 7:53 ).

== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature ==

(Heb. Bakbuk', בִּקְבּוּקּ , a bottle; Sept. Βακβούκ ), the head of one of the families of the Nethinim that returned from Babylon (Ezra 2:51; Nehemiah 7:53). B.C. ante 536.


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