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Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [1]

APHÆREMA ( 1Ma 11:34 ). A district taken from Samaria and added to Judæa by Demetrius Soter ( Ant . XIII. iv. 9). See Eprhaim, No. 1.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [2]

a -fēr´ē̇ -ma ( Ἀφαίρεμα , Aphaı́rema and Aphérema  ; the King James Version Apherema ). One of three districts taken from Samaria and added to Judea by Demetrius Nicator (1 Macc 11:34). Compare Ant. , Xiii , iv, 9.

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [3]

(Ἀφαιρεμά in the Apocrypha) or
