Charles Brake

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Charles Brake [1]

an English Congregational minister, was born in Bath in 1805, and entered upon his ministerial career when about twenty-five years of age, by accepting the pastorate of a village church in Cambridgeshire. After two years of labor there he was invited to a small church at the East end of London. In 1834 he settled at Brighton, but could not remain there on account of ill-health. From 1839 to 1849 he labored in London; then removed to Bristol, where he labored five or six years; and in 1854 returned to London. In 1859 he became pastor of the Congregational Church in Essex road, Isliigton, which position he held until declining health compelled him, in the autumn of 1878, to give up his labors altogether. He died December 30, 1880. See (Lond.) Cong. Year-book, 1882, page 286.
