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Fausset's Bible Dictionary [1]

Numbers 26:38 . Called Ehi Genesis 46:21 .

Holman Bible Dictionary [2]

Numbers 26:38

Hitchcock's Bible Names [3]

Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [4]

AHIRAM . The eponym of a Benjamite family the Ahiramites, Numbers 26:38 (P [Note: Priestly Narrative.] ). The name occurs in the corrupt forms Ehi in Genesis 46:21 (P [Note: Priestly Narrative.] ), and Aharah in 1 Chronicles 8:1 .

Smith's Bible Dictionary [5]

Ahi'ram. (brother of height, lofty). One of the sons of Benjamin, and ancestor of the Ahiramites Numbers 26:38 . In Genesis 46:21 , the name appears as "Ehi and Rosh." It is uncertain whether Ahiram is the same as Aher , 1 Chronicles 7:12 , or Aharah , 1 Chronicles 8:1 .

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [6]

<translit> a </translit> - <translit> hı̄´ram </translit> ( אחיום , <translit> 'ăḥı̄rām </translit> , "exalted brother," or "my brother is exalted"): A son of Benjamin. Mentioned third of the five in Numbers 26:38 , Numbers 26:39 . In 1 Chronicles 8:1 five sons are likewise mentioned, being explicitly numbered; the third name, Aharah ( <translit> 'aḥraḥ </translit> ), is conjectured to be either a corruption of Ahiram or a different name for the same person. In 1 Chronicles 7:6 is a fuller list of Benjamite names, but it is fragmentary and not clear. In it occurs Aher ( <translit> 'aḥēr </translit> ), which may be either Ahiram or Aharah with the end of the word lost. In Genesis 46:21 ten sons of Benjamin are mentioned, some being there counted as sons who, in the other lists, are spoken of as more remote descendants. In this list Ehi ( <translit> 'ēḥı̄ </translit> ) is perhaps Ahiram shortened. See <a> AHARAH </a> ; <a> AHER </a> ; <a> EHI </a> .

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [7]

(Hebrew Achiram', אֲחַירָם , brother of height, i e. high; Sept. Ἀχιράν ), a brother of Bela and son of Benjamin, whose posterity assumed his name ( Numbers 26:38 ), B.C. post 1856; apparently the same with AHARAH ( 1 Chronicles 8:1 ), AHER (See <a> AHER </a> ) ( 1 Chronicles 7:12 ), and EHI (See <a> EHI </a> ) ( Genesis 46:21 ). (See <a> JACOB </a> ); (See <a> HUSHIM </a> ).
