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Holman Bible Dictionary [1]

Matthew 20:2CoinsEconomic Life

Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [2]

DENARIUS . See Money, §§ 6 , 7 .

Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament [3]

DENARIUS. —See Money.

Morrish Bible Dictionary [4]


Smith's Bible Dictionary [5]

Denarius. (containing ten). Authorized Version, "penny," Matthew 18:28; Matthew 20:2; Matthew 20:9; Matthew 20:13. A Roman silver coin, in the time of our Saviour and the Apostles, worth about 15 cents. It took its name from its being first equal to ten "asses," a number afterwards, increased to sixteen. It was the principal silver coin of the Roman commonwealth. From the parable of the laborers in the vineyard, it would seem that a denarius was then the ordinary pay for a day's labor. Matthew 20:2; Matthew 20:4; Matthew 20:7; Matthew 20:9-10; Matthew 20:13.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [6]

dē̇ -nā´ri -us ( δηνάριον , dēnárion ): A R oman silver coin, 25 of which went to the aureus , the standard gold coin of the empire in the time of Augustus, which was equal in value to about one guinea or .25; more exactly £1.0.6 = .00, the £ = .866. Hence, the value of the denarius would be about 20 cents and this was the ordinary wage of a soldier and a day laborer. The word is uniformly rendered "penny" in the King James Version and "shilling" in the American Standard Revised Version, except in Matthew 22:19; Mark 12:15 and Luke 20:24 , where the Latin word is used, since in these passsages it refers to the coin in which tribute was paid to the Roman government. See Money .

Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature [7]

Fig. 145—Denarius

Dena´rius, the principal silver coin of the Romans, which took its name from having been originally equal to ten asses. It was in later times (after B.C. 217) current also among the Jews, and is the coin which is called 'a penny' in the Auth. Vers. The denarii were first coined in B.C. 269, or four years after the first Punic war, and the more ancient specimens are much heavier than those of later date. Those coined in the early period of the commonwealth have the average weight of 52.5 grains, and those coined under the empire of grains. With some allowance for alloy, the former would be worth 8½ d., and the latter 7½ d.

It has been supposed, however, that the reduction of weight did not take place till the time of Nero; and in that case the denarii mentioned in the Gospels must have been of the former weight and value although 7½ d. is the usual computation. A denarius was the day-wages of a laborer in Palestine (;; ); and the daily pay of a Roman soldier was less. In the time of Christ the denarius bore the image of the emperor but formerly it was impressed with the symbols of the republic.

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [8]

( δηνάριον ), the principal silver coin of the Romans, which took its name from having been originally equal to ten times the "as" (Pliny, 33:12), which was the unit. (See Farthing). It was in later times (after B.C. 217) current also among the Jews, and is the coin which is called "a PENNY" (q.v.) in the Auth. Vers. The denarii were first coined in B.C. 269, or four years after the first Punic War, and the more ancient specimens are much heavier than those of later date (Bockh, Metrol. Unters. p. 299, 469). Those coined in the early period of the commonwealth have the average weight of 60 grains, and those coined under the empire of 52.5 grains. With some allowance for alloy, the former would be worth 8.6245 pence, or 17 cents, and the latter 7.5 pence, or 15 cents. It has been supposed, however, that the reduction of weight did not take place till the time of Nero; and, in that case, the denarii mentioned in the Gospels must have been of the former weight and value, although the equivalent of the Greek δραχμή (Pliny, 21:109), or about 15 cents, is the usual computation (see Wurm, De ponder. mensura, p. 54). A denarius was the day-wages of a laborer in Palestine ( Matthew 20:2; Matthew 20:9; Matthew 20:13; Tobit 5:15); and the daily pay of a Roman soldier was less (Tacitus, Ann. 1:17). In the time of Christ the denarius bore the image of the emperor ( Matthew 22:19.; Mark 12:16), but formerly it was impressed with the symbols of the republic.

The name of this coin occurs in the Talmud, in the form דַּינָר (see Lightfoot, at Matthew 20:2). Pliny speaks of a golden denarius ( Hist. Nat. 33:13; 34:17; 37:3; so also the Mishna, Kiddush. 2:2, etc.), which was of the average weight of 120 grains, and was current for 25 of the silver coin. In later times a copper coin was called denarius. It has even its representative in the modern Oriental dinar. See Greave, Roman Foot and Denarius (Lond. 1647); Rasche, Lex. Rei Numarice, II, 1:138; Pinkerton , Essay on Medals, 1; Akerman, Catalogue of Roman Coins (Lond. 1834), 1:15-19; and the essays De denario census, by Christiern (Upsal. 1732) and Mayer (Gryph. 1702). (See Money).

The Nuttall Encyclopedia [9]

A silver coin among the Romans, first coined in 269 B.C., and worth 8½ d.
