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Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [1]

ASADIAS (‘J″ [Note: Jahweh.] is kind,’ cf. 1 Chronicles 3:20 ). An ancestor of Baruch ( Bar 1:1 ).

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [2]

as -a -dı̄´as ( Ἀσαδίας , Asadı́as ): An ancestor of Baruch (Baruch 1:1).

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [3]

( Ἀσαδίας, i.e. Hasadiah), the son of Chelcias and father of Sedecias, in the ancestry of Baruch (q.v.), according to the apocryphal book that bears his name (Bar. i, 1). Comp. 1 Chronicles 3:21.
