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King James Dictionary [1]

'ARGUE, L. arguo, to show, argue, accuse or convict.

1. To reason to invent and offer reasons to support or overthrow a proposition, opinion or measure as, A argues in favor of a measure B argues against it.

2. To dispute to reason with followed by with as, you may argue with your friend, a week, without convincing him.


1. To debate or discuss to treat by reasoning as, the counsel argued the cause before the supreme court the cause was well argued.

2. To prove or evince to manifest by inference or deduction or to show reasons for as, the order visible in the universe argues a divine cause.

3. To persuade by reasons as, to argue a man into a different opinion.

4. Formerly, to accuse or charge with a Latin sense, now obsolete as, to argue one of profaneness.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [2]

       ar´gū Job 40:2 יכח  yākhaḥ  reproach
