Franklin Samuel Bliss

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Franklin Samuel Bliss [1]

a Universalist minister, was born at Cheshire, Mass., Sept. 30, 1828. He received a religious training; was liberally educated,. and began preaching at the close of 1853. He was ordained in 1855 at Enfield, N. H., where he labored two years. Soon after, in 1857, he removed to Barre, Vt., where he continued with exemplary fidelity and abundant success for fifteen years. He died March 23, 1873, in Greensborough, N. C., whither he had gone for the benefit of his health. Mr. Bliss possessed a firm will, a kind and affectionate heart, and was conscientiously devoted to his work. In 1868 he published a volume of sermons to the young, entitled Steps in the Pathway from Youth to Heaven. See Universalist Register, 1874, p. 119.
