Johann Gottlieb Bidermann

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Johann Gottlieb Bidermann [1]

a Protestant theologian of Germany, was born at Naumburg, April 5, 1705. He studied at Wittenberg; in 1732 was appointed con-rector at the cathedral school in his native place, and in 1741 rector of the same. In 1747 he accepted a call to Freiberg, where he died, Aug. 3, 1772. Of his writings we mention the following: Dissertatio de Mercede Divinatoria ad Numbers 22:2 (Wittenberg, 1727): — Disputationes in Geneseos Loca Dfficiliora (ibid. 1728): — Progr. de Natura et Indole Juvenum ex Salomonis Sententia Proverbs 30:19 (ibid. 1743): — Progr. de Summo Bono ex Sententia Salomonis Cohel. v, 8 (Frei. berg, 1749): — Progr. de Mendis Librorum et Nominatins Bibliosrut Hebraicorum, Diligentius Cavendis (ibid.1752): — Progr. Specimen Nominum Θεοφόρων ad Joh. ix,. 2 (ibid. 1755): — Progr. de Characteribus Corpori Impressis ex Levit. xi-x, 28 (ibid. eod.): — Progr. super Q. Ioratii Flacci Theologia (ibid. 1766). See Dbring, Die gelehrten Theologen Deutschlands, i, 106 sq.; Jocher, Allgemeines Gelehrten: — Lexikon, s.v.; Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v. (B. P.)
