Benner Johann Hermann

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Benner Johann Hermann [1]

a Protestant theologian of Germany, was born Dec. 15, 1699, at Giessen, where he also studied. In 1729 he accepted the position as afternoon preacher; in 1731 he received permission to deliver theological lectures, and in 1735 was appointed professor of theology. In 1739 he received a call from the Gbttingen University, but as his landgrave: would not let him go, he was obliged to remain in his native place. In 1753 he was appointed superintendent, and in 1770 ecclesiastical counsellor. He died July 8, 1782. He published, Diss. de Majestate Christi Divina (Gisse, 1732): — Diss. de Exustione Mundi Suprema, ad Petri Sententiam Conformata 2 Petr. iii. 10, 12 (ibid. 1733): — Diss. de Baptismo Ephesinoruim in Nomen Christi, e Pervulgata Sententia non Interpretando ad Actor. 19:4 (ibid. eod.): — Diss. de Palo ex Carne Pauli Extracto 2 Corinthians 12:7 sq. (ibid. 1734): — Progr. quo de Illis, qui Loco Defunctorum Initiantur 1 Corinthians 15:29 non Nihil Exponit, etc. (ibid. eod.): — Diss. Specimen: Eloquentice Sacrce in Sermone Pauli, Materna Pietate Concitati Galatians 4:19-20 (ibid. eod.): — Progr. de Armis in Causa Christi Victticibus (ibid. 1735): — Diss. de Gemitu Ecclesice — Suspirantis Libertatem Romans 8:19-23 (ibid. 1737), etc. See Doring, Die Gelehrten Theologen Deutschlands, 1, 78 sq.; Jocher, Allgemeines Gelehrten- Lexikon, s.v. (B. P.)
