Louis Bancel
Louis Bancel [1]
a French theologian of the Dominican Order, was of Valence, in Dauphiny, and first occupied the chair of theology of St. Thomas, founded in 1654, in the University of Avignon, by D. de Marinis. He acquitted himself well in the performance of these functions, and was several times elected dean of the doctors in theology of Avignon. He died Dec. 22, 1685. He wrote, Moralis D. Thomoe Doctoris Angelici, Ordinis Pradicatorum ex Omnibus ipsius Operibus, exacte Deprompta, with additions: — in particular, Opusculum de Castitate (Avignon, Offray): — Brevis Universce Theolioge tamr Moralis quam Scholasticce Cursus in Gratiam Studentiumn editus juxta Inconsulta Tutissimaque Doctoris Angelici D. Thomce Dogmatac: — Traite de la Chastete, in 3 pts.: — Traite de la Teite de la seule Religion Catholique et Romaine. These last two works are found in MS. in the convent of the order at Avignon. See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v.