William Parker Appelbe

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William Parker Appelbe [1]

an Irish Wesleyan minister, was born at Bandon, November 19, 1807. He was educated at Trinity College, Dublin, with a view to the established Episcopal ministry, but on the completion of, his course decided to enter the Methodist itinerancy. He was received by the Conference in 1834, and appointed to the Londonderry Circuit. He labored on the most important circuits in the Conference, and was chosen to nearly all the principal offices in the connection, having been twice elected president of the Conference. During the last nine years of his life, in addition to his circuit work. he filled the important office of theological tutor in the college at Belfast, a position for which his learning, culture, and sympathies eminently qualified him. He died at Belfast, June 22, 1882. See Minutes of the British Conference, 1882, page 39.
