Henry Antes

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Henry Antes [1]

a minister of the Reformed (Dutch) Church, came to America in 1726. His name is often referred to as "the pious and active German Reformed layman of Frederick township", (now Montgomery County, Pa.) from 1730 to 1748. He was a prominent mover in an organization to unite all religious souls in what was called "The Congregation of God in the Spirit." He himself issued a call to all Christians in 1741 to meet at Germantown, which was followed by six successive meetings in the first half of 1742 of like character, called synods. It was through these meetings that the aforesaid organization was perfected. It received all evangelical Christians without interfering with their creeds, In 1742 Mr. Antes was himself licensed by this Synod to go forth and preach, which seems to have been successful, as he is spoken of by all in the highest terms. This effort, while it may have shown the longings of the Christian world for closer union, was premature, and was exhausted by 1748. In 1747 a Lutheran, and in 1748 a Reformed, synod were organized. About the same time the Moravians organized, and each drew its own material to itself. Mr. Antes joined. the Moravians, but on account of certain vestments which were introduced into their communion service, he left. or separated from, them in 1750. After his separation, he assisted them frequently, thereby showing that he was kindly disposed towards them. Upon his separation from the Moravians he became an Independent, and so remained until 1755, when he died, beloved and respected by all. See Corwin, Manual of the Ref. Church in America, 3d ed. p. 166.
