Denis Amelotte

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Denis Amelotte [1]

a French ecclesiastic and author, was born at Saintes, in Saintonge, in 1606. Soon after receiving priest's orders he became a member of the Congregation of the Oratory of St. Philip Neri. In 1643 he published a Life of Charles de Goudren, second superior of the Congregation, which, by some of its remarks on the abbot of St. Cyran, gave great offence to the Port-Royalists. Another work, containing a vehement attack on the doctrines of the Jansenists, still further embittered the feelings of the party towards him, and elicited from Nicole a satirical reply entitled Idle Generale de l'Esprit et du Livre du P. Amelotte. Amelotte, in revenge, availed himself of his influence with the chancellor to prevent the publication of the newly completed Port-Royalist translation of the New Test., which had therefore to be issued at Mons, in Flanders. He thus secured a free field for a translation of his own, with annotations, which appeared in 4 vols. 8vo (1666-68). He died Oct. 7, 1678. See Encyclop. Brit. 9th ed. s.v.
