Benjamin Russell Allen

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Benjamin Russell Allen [1]

a Congregational minister, was born at Newport, R. I., in 1805. He. commenced his ministry among the Baptists; but subsequently became a Congregationalist. His ordination took place Sept. 10, 1829. From Aug. 13, 1831, to Jan. 4, 1838, he was pastor in North Scituate, R. I.; and from Sept. 26, 1838, to some time in 1842, he was settled in Barrington. Shortly after leaving Barrington, he was called to South Berwick, Me., as the successor of the lamented William Bradford Horner. Here he remained twelve years. Immediately on resigning his office in South Berwick, he accepted a call to Marblehead, Mass., where he remained from 1854 until his death. which took place June 2, 1872. Mr. Allen was a minister of marked ability in his denomination, and left his impress on the communities in which he lived as a minister of the Gospel. See Memorials of Deceased Congregational Ministers in R. I. (C. S.)
