Pierre Jean Agier

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Pierre Jean Agier [1]

a French jurist, was born at Paris, December 28th, 1748, of a Jansenist family. When forty years old he commenced the study of Hebrew, and gave translations and comments on the prophets (principally on the four greater). In 1789 appeared his Fues sur la reformation des lois civiles, suivies d'unplan et d'une classification de ces lois (Paris, 2 vols. 8vo), followed by his Psaumes nouvellement traduits en Francais sur l'Hebren, etc. (Paris, 1809, 3 vols. 8vo); Psalmi ad Hebraicam veritatem translati, etc. (Paris, 1818, 1 vol. 16mo); Vues sur le second avenement de Jesus- Christ (Paris, 1818, 1 vol. 8vo); Propheties concernant Jesus-Christ et l'Eglise, eparses dans les Livres saints (Paris, 1819, 8vo); Les Prophetes nouvellement traduits de l'Hebreu, avec des explic. et des notes critiques (Paris, 1820-1822, 9 vols. 8vo); Commentaire sur l'Apocalypse (Paris, 1823, 2 vols. 8vo). In all these works the Jansenist doctrines are strongly upheld. It is said of him that Napoleon, on seeing him once, said, "Voil un magistrat!" He died at Paris September 22d, 1823. — Mahul, Annuaire necrologique (Paris, 1823).
