Aegidius A Lessinia

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Aegidius A Lessinia [1]

(also DE LESSINIS), a Dominican, who flourished about 1278, was a contemporary with Albertus Magnus and Thomas Aquinas. He took an active part in the controversies against Averroism, and wrote many philosophical, theological, and chronological works, of which only a few fragments are extant. He also wrote De Usuris, which is generally quoted in the editions of the works of Thomas Aquinas as Opusculum 73. B. Hareau, in his La Philosophie Scolastique (Paris, 1850 ), 1:248, quotes a few passages from his De Unitate Fornae, in which he defends the Thomistic doctrine of the unity of the forma substantialis. See Bach, in Wetzer u. Welte's Kirchenlexikon, s.v. (B.P.)
