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Aegaon [1]

in Greek mythology, was

(1) a giant with one hundred arms and fifty heads, whom the gods called Briareus (the frightful, the powerful). He was a son of Uranus and the Earth. He and his brothers, Cottus and Gyges, were bound by their father and imprisoned in a cave, from fear of their strength, until Jupiter in a war against the Titans liberated them, and with their help became victorious. Once Neptune, Juno, and Minerva had plotted to bind Jupiter. Thetis brought AEgseon up into Olympus and placed him side by side with Jupiter. At the sight of the frightful giant the deities were so afraid that they abandoned their design.

(2.) One of the evil sons of the Arcadian king Lycaoni Jupiter. when he had changed the father into a wolf, killed the sons by lightning.
