Francesco Accolti

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Francesco Accolti [1]

(also called Aretinus, from his native place, Arezzo), an Italian philologist, was born in 1418. He was a famous jurist, and, like many savants of that time, he led an unsteady life. He lectured at Bologna, Ferrara, Sienna, and from 1461 to 1466 he occupied a position under Francis Sforza of Milan. When pope Sixtus IV was elevated to the see of St. Peter, Accolti went to Rome with the hope of being made cardinal. His hopes not being realized, he opposed the pope. The last years of his life he lived at Pisa, where he died, between November, 1485, and March 1486. He was regarded as the princeps jurisconisultorum of his time, and was well versed in philosophy, music, poetry, and theology. Of his works there were published, Commentarius Super Lib. II Decr etalium B (Bononise, 1481): — Supra Titulum de Signific. Verborun (Ticin. 1493 ): — Consilia et Responsa (Gissse, 1481; Lugd. 1582:). See Savigny, Geschichte des ronmischen Rechts im Mittelalter, 1831, vol. vi; — Saveri, Memoria intorno al Giureconsulto Franc. Accolti Aretino (Pisa, 1835.); Becker, in Wetzer u. Welte's Kirchen-Lex. s.v. (B. P.).
