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Adamnan [1]

an Irish name (the diminutive of Adam) borne by three men.

1. A Scot of Irish extraction mentioned by Bede (Hist. Eccles. iv, 25) in connection with Coludiurbs (Coldingham), a mixed monastery, situated on the borders, in the modern Berwickshiren. Having, when a young -man, committed an offence, a penitential course of life was prescribed, which Adamnan resolved to observe until the end of his days. He continued in Coldingham, from about 670, in the practice of the utmost self-denial, tasting meat and drink only on Sundays and Thursdays. He observed with- sorrow the laxity of discipline in the monastery;-and is said to have had a revelation of its: approaching destruction, which came to pass about 679. He is commemorated in the English martyrology. of Wilson Jan. 31, at which day. his festival is found in Colgan (Acta SS. Hib. p. 224). See Bollandus, Acta SS. Jan. vol. iii; Mabillon, Annal. Ord. Bened. i, 510.

2. (See Adamannus).

3. An Irish bishop, whose Church of Rathmaigheaonaigh is now known as the parish Church of Ravmoghy, near Raphoe, County Donegal. Adamnan's obit as episcopus sapiens is all that is recorded of him, which appears in the Irish annals under the year 731. Smith, Dict. of Christ. Biog. s.v.
