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Couple [1]

kup ´' l  :

(1) Used as a noun, indicates two objects of the same kind that are considered together. Thus we read of a couple of cakes ( 2 Samuel 13:6 , used loosely), and a couple of asses ( 2 Samuel 16:1 , Hebrew cemedh ).

(2) Used as a verb, it means to join or fasten one thing to another. This term occurs most frequently in the description of the tabernacle (see  Exodus 26:6 ,  Exodus 26:9 ,  Exodus 26:11;  Exodus 36:10 ,  Exodus 36:13 ,  Exodus 36:16 ). Couple is used in  1 Peter 3:2 to describe the joining of fear to chaste behavior (Hebrew ḥābhar ).
