Consecrate; Consecration

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Consecrate; Consecration [1]

kon´sē̇ - krāt , kon - sē̇ - krā´shun .

1. In the Old Testament

In the Old Testament for several Hebrew words of different meanings:

(1) חרם , ḥāram ̌ : "I will consecrate (the Revised Version (British and American) "devote") their gain unto the Lord," i.e. the spoil of the nations shall be dedicated to the service of Yahweh ( Micah 4:13 ). See Ban; Curse .

(2) נזר , nāzar , נזר , nēzer ( Numbers 6:7 ,  Numbers 6:9 ,  Numbers 6:12; the Revised Version (British and American) "separate"). See Nazirite .

(3) קדשׁ , ḳādhēsh ̌ : "to be set apart," or "to be holy": of Aaron and his sons ( Exodus 28:3;  Exodus 30:30; the Revised Version (British and American) "sanctify"). The silver and gold and brass and iron of the banned city of Jericho are "consecrated" things (the Revised Version (British and American) "holy") unto the Lord ( Joshua 6:19 ); of the priests ( 2 Chronicles 26:18 ); of sacrifices ( 2 Chronicles 29:33;  2 Chronicles 31:6;  Ezra 3:5 ). See Holiness .

(4) מלּאיד , millē' yadh , literally, "to fill the hand"; and substantive plural מלּאים , millu'ı̄m , a peculiar idiom used frequently and generally for the installation of a priest into his office; and substantive for the installation offerings which were probably put into the priest's hands to symbolize his admission into office; hence, the phrase, "and thou shalt consecrate Aaron and his sons" ( Exodus 29:9; so  Exodus 28:41;  Exodus 29:29 :33, 15;   Exodus 32:29;  Leviticus 8:33;  Leviticus 16:32;  Leviticus 21:10;  Numbers 3:3;  Judges 17:5 ,  Judges 17:12;  2 Chronicles 29:31 ); of Jeroboam's non-Levitical priesthood ( 1 Kings 13:33;  2 Chronicles 13:9 ); of the altar ( Ezekiel 43:26 ) and of those who contributed to build the temple ( 1 Chronicles 29:5 ). Subst. of an act of installation ( Leviticus 7:37;  Leviticus 8:33 ), and of installation offerings ( Exodus 29:22 ,  Exodus 29:26 ,  Exodus 29:27 ,  Exodus 29:31;  Leviticus 8:22 ,  Leviticus 8:28 ,  Leviticus 8:29 ,  Leviticus 8:31 ).

2. In the New Testament

In the New Testament τελειόω , teleióō , "to make perfect" ( Hebrews 7:28; the Revised Version (British and American) "perfected"); ἐγκαινίζω , egkainı́zō , "to make new" ( Hebrews 10:20; the Revised Version (British and American) "dedicated").
