Betomesthaim; Betomasthaim

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Betomesthaim; Betomasthaim [1]

- tō̇ - mes´thā̇ - im , - tō̇ - mes´tham the King James Version Betomestham , (Βετομεσθάιμ , Betomestháim (Judith 4:6)): the King James Version Betomasthem ( Βαιτομασθάΐμ , Baitomastháim (Judith 15:4)): The place is said to have been "over against Jezreel, in the face of (i.e eastward of) the plain that is near Dothan" It can hardly be Deir Massı̄n , which lies West of the plain. The district is clearly indicated, but no identification is yet possible.
