Josua Stegman

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Josua Stegman [1]

a Lutheran divine, was born in 1588 at Sulzfeld, in Franconia. For ten years he attended the lectures at the Leipsic University, and on account of his great learning he was honored in 1617 with the degree of D.D. by the Wittenberg faculty. In 1621 he went to Rinteln as professor of the newly founded university there; but on account of the war he had to relinquish his position until 1625, when he returned and discharged his pastoral as well as academical duties until 1630. About this time the Benedictine monks returned to Rinteln, and Stegman's position became very unpleasant. He was persecuted in every way, and the excitement which he had to undergo caused his death, Aug. 3, 1632. He is the author of the famous German hymn, Ach, bleib' mit deiner Gnade (English transl. in Lyra Germ. 2, 120, "Abide among us with thy grace, Lord Jesus, evermore"). Besides this and other hymns, he also wrote Photianismus, h. e. Succincta Refutatio Errorum Photianorum, 56 Disputationibus Breviter Comprehensa (Rinteln, 1623; Frankfort, 1643). See Theolog. Universal-Lexikon, s.v.; Koch, Gesch. des deutschen Kirchenliedes, 3, 128 sq.; 8, 148; Winer, Handb. der theolog. Literatur, 1, 354; 2, 788. (B.P.)
