Heinrich Benedict Stark

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Heinrich Benedict Stark [1]

Stark, Heinrich Benedict,

professor of Oriental languages at Leipsic, was born in 1672, and died July 18, 1727. He wrote, אוֹר דַּקְדּוּק, Lux Grammaticoe Hebraicoe ex Clariss. hujus Linguoe Luminibus, etc. (2d ed. Lips. 1705, and often; last ed. by Bosseck, 1764): — Lux Accentuationis Hebraicoe (ibid. 1707): — Hebraismi Etymologici (ibid. 1709): — Notoe Selecte in Loca Dubia ac Difficil. Pent., Jos., etc. (ibid. 1714). See F ü rst, Bibl. Jud. 3 , 378; Winer, Handbuch der theol. Literatur, 1 , 115, 195, 240, 268; 2, 788; Steinschneider, Bibliogr. Handbuch, p. 135. (B.P.)
